Agia Paraskevi, Serres

Agia Paraskevi is a village in the region of Serres, northern Greece. According to the 2011 Greek census, the village had 557 inhabitants.

Geography &; History

Agia Paraskevi is located to the west limits of the Thessaloniki Regional Unit and south of the Strymonas River. It is built on the plain of Serres, between the villages of Terpni, Nikokleia and Sisamia. It is located 6 km northwest of Nigrita and 24 km southwest of Serres. The village was known as Xylotro until 1927, when it got renamed to Agia Paraskevi.
According to the statistics of the Bulgarian geographer Vasil Kanchov, the village had a total of 460 inhabitants in 1900, of which 260 were Orthodox Greeks and 200 were Circassians.