Age of Adventure

Age of Adventure is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1951.


In the year 1876, a young boy named Takonosuke Arashi joins a Japanese envoy on their way to negotiate trades with the USA. However, en route to Washington D.C., the envoy is attacked by pirates in the Caribbean Sea. Takonosuke and the other survivors receive half of a treasure map from the British pastor Picar. Before anyone can reach safety, a massive tornado swallows them up and scatters them across the USA, sending Takonosuke to the Nevada desert.
In Nevada, bar owner Ham Egg and outlaw Wild Bill Hecock get wind of the torn treasure map and join the race for the rest of it. Others soon join the quest for the whole map including Count Monte Christo, Arsene Lupin, and more in a mad chase around the world.
