Agathe (atomic test)

Agathe was the name of the first French nuclear underground test. It was an atomic bomb detonated in the Hoggar mount of the then French Sahara desert on November 7, 1961, during the Algerian War.
Agathe was the first test of the jewel designation series running from 1961 until 1966. Minor and major incidents occurred during these experiments, the most important being the Beryl incident on May 1, 1962, where the nine militarymen of the 621ème Groupe d'Armes Spéciales unit were heavily contaminated as portrayed in the 2006 docudrama Vive La Bombe!. The French Defence Minister Pierre Messmer and other officials and civilians were present in the command post and were contaminated too.


The millisievert is commonly used to measure the effective dose in diagnostic medical procedures. See radiation poisoning for a more complete analysis of effects of various dosage levels.
Data provided by the French Defense Ministry on January 2007.