Agalinis auriculata

Agalinis auriculata is a species of flowering plant in the family Orobanchaceae known as earleaf false foxglove, auriculate false foxglove, and earleaf gerardia. It is endemic to the United States, where it occurs from New Jersey west to Minnesota and throughout most southern states.

Description and ecology

This plant is a hairy annual herb producing a stiff stem up to tall. The flowers are pink with purple spots and they bloom between July and September.
The plant is hemiparasitic, meaning it contains chlorophyll to accomplish photosynthesis, but is also parasitic on other plants to obtain some nutrients. In cultivation the plant was able to parasitize Helianthus occidentalis and Rudbeckia fulgida and it was observed to connect to a grass, possibly Poa compressa, in the field.

Distribution and habitat

This plant has a widespread distribution and it was formerly more common than it is today. It appears to require soil disturbance in order to germinate. In the past, this disturbance may possibly have been caused by herds of bison. The plant can colonize mounds of earth which has been turned over by pocket gopher.
There are 40 to 50 known occurrences today, mostly comprising small populations. The largest populations are in Arkansas, Missouri, and Mississippi.