Afedena school

Afedena School is a public school for grades 1 through 3 in Afedena, Addi Azmera, Dogu’a Tembien, Tigray, Ethiopia.


In 2019, the Afedena School comprised three open-air classes; there were 111 students, 50 girls and 61 boys.
There were:

School buildings

Schooling is conducted in the shade of trees. The blackboard is kept in a nearby homestead and mounted every morning. The children sit on stones while following lessons. Such lack of classrooms is directly related to the large intake in primary schools in Ethiopia over the last decades.
In 2019, the EthioTrees project started building classrooms as compensation for the good protection of the village's exclosure, and carbon sequestration. The sequestered carbon is certified using the Plan Vivo voluntary carbon standard, after which carbon credits are sold. The revenues are reinvested in the village; in Afedena the community prioritised the building of classrooms for Afedena school.

Water and sanitation

In 2019, the students used water from the village hand-dug well with handpump.
There is no toilet building.


All children travel to school on foot.
The smaller children may come late or miss school because of fear for hyenas on the way in the early morning.