Advantage Business Media

Advantage Business Marketing was a private, American digital marketing and information services company owned by the venture capital firm Owner Resource Group. The company was founded in 2006 and was based in Rockaway, New Jersey.

Business model

In the period between 2006 and 2014, the company transitioned from print-centric to digital media, increasing digital revenues from 11% to 50% of total revenues. The company's growth during this period has come from both "organic" growth and strategic acquisitions.
In 2018, the organization transitioned fully from a digital media organization to a digital marketing organization, following market trends. As such, the company changed its name from Advantage Business Media to Advantage Business Marketing, updated its logo, and began the overhaul of its digital websites and assets.
The organization offered digital marketing services including inbound marketing, branding, automation services, CRM integration, and data management.


In 2006, Rich Reiff and George Fox purchased several publications from Reed Business Information with the backing of private equity provided by Catalyst Investors. Catalyst sold ABM to Owner Resource Group in 2014.
In 2011, ABM acquired Continuity Insights and Vicon Publishing; this was followed in 2013 by acquisition of eMedia Vitals. Vicon Publishing was renamed by ABM to Vicon Business Media and instantiated as a subsidiary organization. Vicon operates out of New Hampshire, United States.
In 2014, Lonergan was brought in by investment firm ORG.
In 2018, Cummings was brought in as CEO to help undertake the rebranding from Advantage Business Media to Advantage Business Marketing.
In 2019, Cummings held a staff meeting on June 11, where he told all employees that the company was filing for bankruptcy and closing effective immediately. Staff had until end of day to vacate the premises.

Titles published by ABM

, ABM published 23 titles.
Publication titles and ISO 4 abbreviations are listed