Adolf Zytogorski

Adolf Żytogórski was a Polish-British chess master.

Chess biography

Born in Poland, Zytogorski was a political refugee after the collapse of the Polish–Russian War in 1830–31. He emigrated to England. In 1843 he played a match with Howard Staunton, receiving pawn and two moves, and won six games right off the reel. Zytogorski was befriended by the late Robert Brien, who succeeded Staunton as an editor of the Chess Player's Chronicle in 1854–56; and Brien, after his quarrel with Staunton, published for the first time the particulars of the above match. Zytogorski won a match against Franciscus Janssens in 1854, took second behind Ernst Falkbeer and ahead of Brien in 1855, and lost to Valentine Green in 1856.
He won at London 1855, played in semifinals at London 1856, and lost to Ignaz von Kolisch at Cambridge 1860.
Zytogorski died at age 75 in The German Hospital, Dalston, London.