Adam Lizakowski

Adam Lizakowski born December 24, 1956 in Dzierżoniów) – Polish poet, translator, and photographer. His work has been published in over one hundred literary magazines in Poland and the United States.


Born in Dzierżoniów. Lived in Pieszyce. Was outside of Poland when Martial law was announced in December 1981. Received asylum in Austria in March 1982, then decided to emigrate to the USA in June of that year. Lived in San Francisco from 1982 to 1991, from where he moved to Chicago. Lizakowski founded the Unpaid Rent group, a collective of Polish language poets out of his home in Logan Square.
Lizakowski has translated numerous works by American Poets such as Walt Whitman, William C. Williams, Allen Ginsberg, Langston Hughes, Carl Sandburg and Bob Dylan. Also translated the works ofLaozi as well as Rumi from English. Studied creative writing at Columbia College Chicago where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree and Northwestern University where he received his Masters. Among his instructors were noted American poets such as Tony Trigilio, David Trinidad, Ed Roberson and Reginald Gibbons.

Literary works
