Acheson Goulding

Group Captain Acheson Gosford Goulding was a Canadian World War I flying ace credited with nine aerial victories. After infantry service, he transferred to aviation and served in Asia Minor and the Balkans. After winning the Military Cross for courage, he returned to civilian life. He gave up a business career to return to service for World War II as a Group Captain.

Early life

Goulding was born at Stony Mountain, Manitoba, Canada, on 16 May 1893. Goulding was educated at St. John's College and the University of Manitoba at Winnipeg. His enlistment form for World War I service still exists. On the form, he named Gwendolyn Marie Goulding as his next of kin, gave his civilian occupation as clerk, and his home of record as Winnipeg. His physical examination measured him as 5 feet 8 1/2 inches tall, and described him as having a medium complexion, with blue eyes and brown hair. He swore allegiance to King George V and joined the 28th Battalion, CEF on 14 December 1914.

World War I

Goulding transferred from infantry to the Royal Flying Corps and was posted to 17 Squadron. While he had enlisted as a private with regimental number 74142 in 28th Battalion, he served as a lieutenant with 17 Squadron, and as a captain after transfer to 150 Squadron. He was commissioned on 29 June 1916, and seconded to the RFC on 18 September 1916. His joining date for 17 Squadron was in February 1917; he was appointed a Flying Officer on 23 February 1917.
Goulding's squadron was tasked with supporting British troops opposing Bulgarian troops in Macedonia. In May 1917, he was one of two pilots who bombed a Bulgarian supply train of 26 wagons, stampeding the draught horses and smashing military supplies. Goulding was awarded the Military Cross on 26 October 1917; he had flown many ground support and reconnaissance missions, but had no success on combat patrols until 28 January 1918. After Goulding's first five victories, he became a Flight Commander in 150 Squadron with the temporary rank of captain on 26 April 1918. He scored four more wins in May and June 1918.
On 21 September 1918, Goulding was awarded the French Croix de guerre.

List of aerial victories

See also Aerial victory standards of World War I
128 January 1918 @ 1130 hoursNieuport serial number 5574DFW C.VCapturedSouth of Angista, GreeceVictory shared with Gerald Ernest Gibbs
220 March 1918 @ 0930 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B690DFW C.VCapturedCepistaVictory shared with Gerald Ernest Gibbs
324 March 1918 @ 0700 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B690Albatros D.IIIDriven down out of controlTolo, Greece
421 April 1918 @ 1115 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B690DFW reconnaissance planeDriven down out of controlBarakli-DzumaVictory shared with Leslie Hamilton
525 April 1918 @ 1000 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B690DFW reconnaissance planeDriven down out of controlAngistaVictory shared with Arthur Jarvis
610 May 1918 @ 0800 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B28Pfalz D.IIIDestroyedNorth of LevunovoVictory shared with Charles D. B. Green
713 May 1918 @ 0800 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B28Albatros D.IIIDriven down out of controlLevunovoVictory shared with Gerald Gordon Bell
828 May 1918 @ 1500 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B690DFW reconnaissance planeSet afire; destroyedEast of VardarhoheVictory shared with Frederick Travers
918 June 1918 @ 0750 hoursRoyal Aircraft Factory SE.5a s/n B163Albatros D.VDestroyedNorth of PaljorcaVictory shared with Gerald Gordon Bell

Post World War I

On 1 January 1919, Goulding was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. On 9 April 1919, he gave up his Royal Air Force commission to return to army duty as an acting captain in the Nova Scotia Regiment.
Goulding returned to Canada to run a construction firm in Winnipeg. He would serve his country again during World War II, joining the Royal Canadian Air Force in May 1940. After service as a staff officer, he commanded No. 18 Flying Training Service School at Gimli, Manitoba while serving as a group captain.
Goulding died in Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on 27 April 1951.