Accelerator (Internet Explorer)

Accelerators are a form of selection-based search that allows a user to invoke an online service from any other page using only the mouse introduced by Microsoft in Internet Explorer 8. Actions such as selecting the text or other objects will give users access to the usable Accelerator services, which can then be invoked with the selected object. According to Microsoft, Accelerators eliminate the need to copy and paste content between web pages. IE8 specifies an XML-based encoding which allows a web application or web service to be invoked as an Accelerator service. How the service will be invoked and for what categories of content it will show up are specified in the XML file. Similarities have been drawn between Accelerators and the controversial smart tags feature experimented with in the IE 6 Beta but withdrawn after criticism.
Support for Accelerators was removed in Microsoft Edge, the successor browser to Internet Explorer.


Microsoft introduced accelerators in Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 as "activities". It later renamed this to "accelerators".


Accelerators are included in IE8 by default as a type of add-on.

Sample Accelerator

This is an example of how to describe a map Accelerator using the OpenService Format:

Map with
