Academic grading in Italy

There are two grading systems used in Italy:
To someone familiar with both the Italian and the U.S. college systems, Italian grades are best translated into American grades according to the following table:

''Scuola primaria, scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado''

In Italian primary and secondary school a 10-point scale is used, 6 being the minimum grade for passing.
Traditionally in the most prestigious high schools, grades vary within a limited range, between 2 and 8, often with each professor applying his/her own custom. When a professor wants to apply a more precise scale, instead of using the full 1–10 scale they would often insert a plethora of symbols and decimals: the range between 5 and 6 would then be covered, in sequence, by 5+, 5½ and 6−. Sufficiency starts at 6. The "+" symbol stands for "+0.25" and the "-" symbol stands for "-0.25". Some professors, however, also use symbols such as 5++, 5/6 and 6--, which have no precise value. There has been a push in recent years to uniform the system to the 0–10 scale. A grade below 6 is considered insufficient, while a grade below 4 is considered to be extremely insufficient.
In high school, if a student, at the end of the year, reports an insufficient grade average in a certain subject, he or she has to take a reparatory exam in September, before school begins; if the result of the reparatory exam is again not sufficient, the student cannot pass to the next year and will have to repeat it. A student who, at the end of the year, has more than 3 insufficient subjected will not pass to following class and will have to repeat the year. This is anyway subject to the judgment of professors, who can evaluate what to do according to the case.
ECTS Grade% of successful studentsCorresponding Italian grades


For ordinary exams, universities in Italy use a 30-point scale that can be divided into failing and passing grades. For final assessment of the entire degree, a 110-point scale is used, which is divided into two as well, with 66 being the minimum for a degree to be awarded. The 110-point scale incorporates scores both on course exams and for the final thesis. For outstanding results, lode, "praise" or "cum laude," is added to the maximum grade.
Italian gradesECTS GradeECTS Definition% of successful studentsU.S. GradeU.S. Definition
26-30, 30 con LodeAExcellent5%Excellent
21-25BVery Good10%Good
14-17FxFailE or FFail
0-13FFailE or FFail