
Absard, literally ”cold water”, is a city in the Central District of Damavand County, Tehran Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 9,865, in 2,438 families.
The minimum and maximum temperature was -24 °C in January–February and 37 °C in July–August. Average rainfall of a year was 333 mm and of first 3 months of year were 13 and 130 mm in 2008 and 2009, respectively.
In this research, samples were harvested at critical phenological stages of plant growth. Enzymatic activities in leaf and twig were evaluated during 2008 and 2009. The 3 phenological stages for leaf sampling included 50% flowering in spring, warmest time in summer and before rains in autumn. Twigs were taken at 4 stages, including above stages and in winter. Fresh leaves and twigs were sampled and the measurements were carried out.


Absard is situated around 70 km east of Tehran, in the province of the same name.
Its center is to be found a few km south of the Firuz Kuh road.
The area between the highway and the centre is popular with second residence for tehranis and others. Small-scale garden irrigation makes the area very green among yellowish hills and mountains culminating above 3500m in the north.
Apples, cherries sweet and sour, apricots, pears and walnuts are among the many produces growing in the many orchards peppering the area.