Aboriginal Housing Victoria

Aboriginal Housing Victoria is a not-for-profit, registered community housing agency and is the largest Aboriginal housing organisation in the Australian state of Victoria.
"Our vision is that Aboriginal Victorians are able to secure appropriate, affordable housing as a pathway to better lives and stronger communities."
AHV was the first Aboriginal housing agency to be registered as a housing provider in Victoria and it is also the largest in Australia, and serves as an Aboriginal landlord, providing personalised, culturally sensitive services for over 4000 Aboriginal people in Victoria through more than 1500 tenancies.


AHV provides housing to approximately 4,000 low income Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Victorians, representing at least 8% of the Victorian Aboriginal population, in 1,525 properties across metropolitan and regional Victoria. The majority of the properties are owned by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in need of housing can make an application to AHV, and they will be placed on a waiting list until a suitable home in a preferred area becomes available. Applicants may be considered for priority housing if they are deemed to have a more urgent need than general applicants.
Tenants pay subsidised rent to AHV, who manages the properties including maintenance and repairs. AHV achieves above community housing sector standard for maintaining tenancies – 89% in 2014–15.
While provision of housing is core business, the organisation works closely with other Aboriginal service providers to support the needs of its tenants who can have unique and complex disadvantage.
The organisation believes this success is rooted in the notion that Aboriginal owned and controlled organisations are best placed to provide services for Aboriginal people, without interference or patronage from non-Aboriginal organisations or bureaucracies.
But AHV is also a multicultural organisation and sees its strength in the diversity of its people – both Indigenous and non-Indigenous – "working together with mutual respect and co-operation, expertise and knowledge" – Jim Berg, "More Bees With Honey –A History of the Aboriginal Housing Board of Victoria.”


Until the 1950s no government housing was provided for Aboriginal people in Victoria and much of what began to be provided was inadequate, and delivered under an assimilation policy that saw the dislocation of Aboriginal people from traditional lands into accommodation that was often unfit for human habitation.
More concerted efforts from the Commonwealth in the 1970s saw a major allocation of funds for Aboriginal housing and the establishment of Aboriginal housing organisations. However the major responsibility for Aboriginal controlled housing was transferred to the states, against the wishes of the Aboriginal housing organisations.
The Aboriginal men and women involved in housing identified a need for a self-managed Aboriginal housing organisation, given continuing frustration with the quality of housing and treatment of Aboriginal tenants in private and social housing. By the late 1970s, the movement for an Aboriginal controlled housing organisation in Victoria had gained momentum, at a time when Aboriginal community leaders across Australia set up their own organisations to address inadequate provision of services such as housing, health, childcare, community services, education and legal services.
At the heart of this movement was the importance of gaining back control – Aboriginal owned and administered housing, and not just the provision of accommodation.
"All houses transferred to the Housing Commission from the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs should be handed over to the Aboriginal Co-operatives for the purpose of housing Aboriginal people." – Nessie Skuta, National Aboriginal Conference representative for country Victoria, 1978.
It is clear that transfer of housing to Aboriginal organisations was seen by Victoria's Aboriginal community leaders as being about handing back the control that had been removed, about righting a previous wrong.
By 1981, the Aboriginal Housing Board of Victoria was established to oversee the management of properties owned by the Victorian Government for the provision of housing to Victorian Aboriginal people. Originating as a small community organisation representing Victorian Aboriginal communities, a partnership was formed with the Victorian Government as members advocated for the allocation of accessible and appropriate housing for Aboriginal Victorians and for the better treatment of Aboriginal tenants.
The establishment of the AHBV was the culmination of more than two decades of efforts from Victorian Aboriginal community leaders and a major achievement in taking back control and self-management of Aboriginal lives in Victoria. The founding members of the board had a vision that it would one day own the properties it managed, and this has been a driving force for the organisation.
Today, Aboriginal Housing Victoria continues to provide culturally sensitive, Aboriginal service delivery as it works towards the goal of self-determination through Aboriginal owned title.
In 2016, the Victorian Government announced it would transfer 1,522 property titles worth $500 million to AHV over a two-year period.


More Bees With Honey: A History of the Aboriginal Housing Board of Victoria 1981 – 2004

August 1990Workshop on Feasibility Study report held in Melbourne
And Forward Plan developed from results of discussion
Board formally adopts Forward Pan at August 1990 meeting
April 1991First Workshop on Implementation of Forward Plan held in Melbourne
August 1993Board receives ownership of 4 rental properties purchased out of ATSIC funds
Properties leased to the Office of Housing and managed and administered under the Victorian Aboriginal Rental Housing Program
1991–1993Implementation of Forward Plan proceeds throughout the next three years
April 1994Board adopts amendments to its constitution at meeting
May 1994Second Forward Plan Workshop held in Melbourne
1994–1995Implementation of Forward Plan continues
February 1995Board transfers to new office premises at Scotchmer Street, North Fitzroy
July 1995Aboriginal Housing Section, DPD transformed into Aboriginal Housing Services Unit, DPD and fee for service arrangement continues
October 1995Workshop and consultations held to develop State Plan and Corporate Plan at Melbourne
December 1995State Plan and Corporate Plan endorsed by Board
February 1996Statewide Elections for board members
March 1996First Corporate Plan Workshop at Melbourne
June 1996First Policies and Procedures Workshop at Marysville
July 1996Commencement of Service Agreement
September 1996Start of statewide tour of Ellimatta Historical Photographic Exhibition
October 1997Team Building Workshop held in Melbourne
ATSIC consultancy on future housing arrangements for Victoria commences
December 1997ATSIC Housing conference on future housing arrangements for Victoria held at Camp Jungai
February 1998Launch of Ellimatta Historical Photographic Exhibition Catalogue Book during Housing Week
Paper on Proposed Bilateral Agreement – Options for Aboriginal Housing in Victoria presented to Board meeting for discussion
May 1998Planning Workshop held at Marysville
February 1999Launch of Elders poster during Housing Week held in Melbourne
Statewide Elections for all board member positions
Board adopts amendments to its constitution at Special General Meeting held in Melbourne
July 1999Forward Plan Strategy Workshop held at Mansfield
October 1999Second Policies and Procedures Workshop held at Thornbury
December 1999Consultant and Project Officer present Forward Plan ‘Where We Are Now Report" to the Board
April 2000Board celebrates 1000th property purchase in Shepparton
Myrtle Muir receives Frances Pennington Aware from Minister for Housing at Parliament House, Victoria
July 2000Strategic Plan developed
Aboriginal Housing Services Unit, Department of Human Services, relocated to the Board office in North Fitzroy as first step in Strategic Plan implementation
August 2000Board appoints first chief executive officer
February 2001Board appoints first Property Manager and Research & Policy Manager
Board commences celebration of 20th Anniversary at 20th year Board meeting
April 2001Board holds 20th Anniversary Dinner and Presentation Evening event
May 2001Board presented with Reconciliation Week plaque by Victorian Government in recognition of 20th Anniversary
June 2001Board holds 3rd Strategic Plan Workshop
October 2001Launch of board member Photographic Display in Board's conference room
May 2002Launch of 21st Anniversary Commemorative artwork at Board office
June 2002Board appoints first Finance Manager
Board holds 4th Strategic Plan Workshop
Board receives title to the nine ex-Victorian Aboriginal Co-operative Limited Properties located in Melbourne. Board now has title to, and owns 13 rental housing properties
July 2002First tour of Aboriginal Housing Office NSW, by Board Chairperson and staff
November 2002Third Policy Workshop held at Aborigines Advancement League, Thornbury
December 2002Joint Meeting between AHBV and Aboriginal Housing Office, at Albury NSW
February 2003New version of AHBV Housing Standards printed and provided to Board meeting
March 2003National Indigenous Homelessness Forum held in Melbourne
May 2003Launch of Multi Cultural Events Calendar
June 2003Board holds 5th Strategic Planning Workshop in Morwell
November 2003Fourth Policy Workshop held at Halls Gap
June 2004Board holds fourth Planning Workshop at Warrnambool
Launch of Housing Week Calendar
August 2004Board signs off on first Service Agreement – Tenancy which replaces previous funding agreements
Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Board and the Director of Housing setting out the agreed tasks to be achieved under the Strategic Plan
November 2004Board holds fifth Policy Workshop in Lakes Entrance

Appendix 1A – Additional History Timeline 2004 – ongoing

September 2017 – In a significant step toward self-determination, the Victorian Government announces transfer of ownership of over 500 metropolitan houses to AHV, with non-metropolitan houses to be transferred in two tranches over the following two years. This realises AHV's long held aspiration to own the rental properties it manages on behalf of Government and lays the foundation for future growth.


Aboriginal Housing Victoria is

AHV is governed by a board composed of non-executive directors. The chairperson is elected by the full board. In accordance with the AHV constitution, there are no less than 5 and no more than 7 directors on the board, and the majority must be Aboriginal.
Directors hold office for a term commencing on the date from which he or she is appointed and concluding at the expiry of the third annual general meeting of the company following appointment.
All directors must live in Victoria and a majority must be Aboriginal.

Key officeholders

Chair – Tim Chatfield
CEO – Jenny Samms