AbaQulusi (Zulu)
The abaQulusi or Qulusi are a zulu tribe from South Africa. They are based in the abaqulusi district, Kwazulu-Natal, that bears their name.History
The aunt of King Shaka, Mkabayi kaJama, is at the origin of the creation of the tribe. When the king sends Mnkabayi to ebaQuluseni, near the present Vryheid and Hlobane, she founded the powerful abaQulusi tribe that will play a big role in the coming wars.During the Battle of Hlobane and the Battle of Kambula of the Anglo-Zulu war of 1879, the abaQulusi were commanded by the iNkosi Msebe kaMadaka. During the Battle of Holkrans against the Boers in 1902, the iNkosi Sikhobobho was in command.