Aaron Tänzer

Aaron Tänzer was a rabbi in Austria and Germany, chaplain and author.


He was born in Pressburg, Austria-Hungary.
He studied at the Pressburg Yeshiva, and studied Oriental philology and history at the University of Berlin. In 1896, he was called to Hohenems as chief rabbi of Tyrol and Vorarlberg; and from 1904 to 1907 he was rabbi of Meran. From 1907 until his death, he served as rabbi of the Jewish community of Göppingen in Württemberg. His history of the Jews of Göppingen and nearby Jebenhausen is notable as a thorough documentation of a Jewish community from its beginnings.
In World War I, he served as a Feldrabbiner in the German army, primarily on the Eastern front. He looked after German and Austrian Jewish soldiers and took care of Jewish prisoners of war in POW camps like Doeberitz and Sedan.
