Aaron Kirunda

Aaron Kirunda, is a social entrepreneur and public figure. He is a co-founder and Chief Executive at where he dedicates his work to empowering people to reach their full potential through education. runs the National Spelling Bee in Uganda, a catalytic program that reaches millions of pupils in primary schools, helping them improve their literacy, develop 21st century skills.

Background and education

Aaron was born in Jinja District and he attended Katira Primary School and Kasokoso Trading Centre Primary School before joining Kakira High School, for his O-Levels and Muljibhai Madhvani College, Wairaka for his A-Levels where he emerged the best student in Jinja District. In 2004, he got a government scholarship to Makerere University to study a Bachelor of Mass Communication. He graduated in 2008 with Honors. He spent most of his after school time engaging with youths on leadership, community activism, especially for the Children in Northern Uganda during the LRA War, mostly through GuluWalk and others, empowering entrepreneurs to produce quality products and designing communication materials for the Ugandan Government, Rwandan Government and World Bank funded projects. In 2009, he worked with others to develop radio programs for a university radio station to enable university students to make the most important decisions of their lives. He later moved to Kihwoko - Nakaseke District to start and manage Musana Fm, a community Radio station aimed at creating community transformation. While here, he designed radio programs that gave people hope and inspired several to start income generating activities, to go back to school, and take practical steps towards living better lives. He spearheaded planting of over 20,000 trees in the community as well as using the radio as a platform to engage and educate people on financial inclusion, helping people learn to use of their mobile phones as a tool for not just money transfers but also savings. He later launched enjuba Credit, a financial service company that helps individuals access emergency funding and for high growth entrepreneurs to get funding and business growth support for their businesses. In 2013, he was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to study social policy at the London School of Economics.
He also runs the in Uganda and is part of team putting together the an annual spelling competition for primary school children with the aim of improving literacy, unlocking children's imagination and developing key life skills such as confidence, teamwork, critical thinking and presentation. Aaron is a receiver of a Positive Inspiration Award from (Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development in Africa; He was recognized as one of the 101 Young African Leaders at the 5th He is a winner of the Global Young Social Entrepreneurs Competition, 2007 and a finalist for Young Achievers Award, 2010. Aaron is also an , an and for 2016

Community activism

Aaron has served in the following positions: