Aage Stentoft

Aage Stentoft was a Danish composer, film score composer and theatre director. He composed over 700 melodies during his lifetime.


Stentoft was born in Holbæk and attended the Stenhus Kostskole. Initially, he planned to study law, but due to a lack of money, he started to compose music for commercials. In 1934, he started work as an accompanist and composer for the revue theatre Co-Optimisterne. A lot of his tunes quickly achieved widespread popularity, and he earned good money by composing and later on, by producing revues.
He started work managing various theaters: Frederikberg Teater, Dagmar Teatret, Det Ny Scala and Apollo Teatret. In 1961, Aage Stentoft immigrated to Spain. In 1973, he returned to Denmark as leader of the Tivoli Gardens theater, a job he kept until his retirement in 1981. After which, he returned to Spain. He died at his home near Málaga in 1990.

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