API management

API management is the process of creating and publishing web application programming interfaces, enforcing their usage policies, controlling access, nurturing the subscriber community, collecting and analyzing usage statistics, and reporting on performance. API Management components provide mechanisms and tools to support developer and subscriber community.


While solutions vary, components that provide the following functionality are typically found in API management products:
A number of industry analysts have observed that the size of the market for API management solutions has been growing rapidly from the early 2010s. Gartner estimated the size of the market for API management to be $70 million in 2013 and to be growing at 40% a year. According to Forrester Research, in the US alone, annual spend on API management was $140 million in 2014, expected to grow to $660 million by 2020 with total global sales are predicted to exceed a billion dollars by that year. The most recent market analysis, conducted by KBV Research in 2019, predicted continuing CAGR of 28.4% taking the total market value to $6.2billion by 2024


The wide adoption of APIs led to the emergence of off-the-shelf API management products, open-source projects, and SaaS offerings. Both Gartner and Forrester Research list a number of API management vendors in their reports. Companies listed by both as being active in API management space and other organizations working this area include the following:
