AIVA is an electronic composer recognized by the SACEM.


Created in February 2016, AIVA specializes in Classical and Symphonic music composition. It became the world’s first virtual composer to be recognized by a music society.
By reading a large collection of existing works of classical music AIVA is capable of detecting regularities in music and on this base composing on its own. The algorithm AIVA is based on deep learning and reinforcement learning architectures. Since January 2019, the company offers a commercial product, Music Engine, capable of generating short compositions in various styles.
AIVA was presented at TED by Pierre Barreau.


AIVA is a published composer; its first studio album "Genesis" was released in November 2016. Second album "Among the Stars" in 2018.
Avignon Symphonic Orchestra also performed Aiva's compositions in April 2017.

Example of scores composed by AIVA

This is the preview of the score Op. n°3 for piano solo "A little chamber music", composed by AIVA.