A. C. Bradley

Andrew Cecil Bradley, was an English literary scholar, best remembered for his work on Shakespeare.


Bradley was born at Park Hill, Clapham, Surrey. His father was the preacher Charles Bradley, vicar of Glasbury, a noted evangelical Anglican preacher and leader of the so-called Clapham Sect. Charles had thirteen children by his first wife, who died in 1831, and nine by his second wife Emma Linton. Bradley was the youngest of the nine born to Emma and Charles; his older brother, philosopher Francis Herbert Bradley, was the fifth. Bradley studied at Balliol College, Oxford. He obtained a Balliol Fellowship in 1874 and lectured first in English and subsequently in philosophy until 1881. He then took a permanent position at the University of Liverpool where he lectured on literature. In 1889 he moved to Glasgow as Regius Professor. In 1901 he was elected to the Oxford professorship of poetry. During his five years in this post he produced Shakespearean Tragedy and Oxford Lectures on Poetry. He was later made an honorary fellow of Balliol and was awarded honorary doctorates from Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Durham, and was offered the King Edward VII chair at Cambridge. Bradley never married; he lived in London with his sister and died at 6 Holland Park Road, Kensington, London, on 2 September 1935. His will established a research fellowship for young scholars of English Letters.


The outcome of his five years as Professor of Poetry at Oxford University were Bradley's two major works, Shakespearean Tragedy, and Oxford Lectures on Poetry. All his published work was originally delivered in the form of lectures. Bradley's pedagogical manner and his self-confidence made him a real guide for many students to the meaning of Shakespeare. His influence on Shakespearean criticism was so great that the following poem by Guy
Boas, "Lays of Learning", appeared in 1926:
Though Bradley has sometimes been criticised for writing of Shakespeare's characters as though they were real people, his book is probably the most influential single work of Shakespearean criticism ever published.


Shakespearean Tragedy has been reprinted more than two dozen times and is itself the subject of a scholarly book, Katherine Cooke's A. C. Bradley and His Influence in Twentieth-Century Shakespeare Criticism.
By the mid-twentieth century his approach became discredited for many scholars; often it is said to contain anachronistic errors and attempts to apply late 19th century novelistic conceptions of morality and psychology to early 17th century society. Kenneth Burke's 1951 article "Othello: An Essay to Illustrate a Method" counters a Bradleyan reading of character, as L. C. Knights had earlier done with his 1933 essay "How Many Children Had Lady Macbeth?" Since the 1970s, the prevalence of poststructuralist methods of criticism resulted in students turning away from his work, although a number of scholars have recently returned to considering "character" as a historical category of evaluation. Harold Bloom has paid tribute to Bradley's place in the great tradition of critical writing on Shakespeare: 'This book – Shakespeare: the Invention of the Human – is a latecomer work, written in the wake of the Shakespeare critics I most admire: Johnson, Hazlitt, Bradley.' There has also been a renewed interest in the German idealist philosopher Hegel, who influenced Bradley's theory of tragedy.
Bradley delivered the 1907–1908 Gifford Lectures at the University of Glasgow, entitled "Ideals of Religion." Bradley's other works include "Aristotle's Conception of the State" in Hellenica, ed. Evelyn Abbott, London : Longmans, Green, 1st ed. 1880, 2nd ed., 1898, Poetry for Poetry's Sake, A Commentary on Tennyson's in Memoriam, and A Miscellany.