8-bit computing

'8-bit' is also a generation of microcomputers in which 8-bit microprocessors were the norm.
The term '8-bit' is also applied to the character sets that could be used on computers with 8-bit bytes, the best known being various forms of extended ASCII, including the ISO/IEC 8859 series of national character sets especially Latin 1 for English and Western European languages.
The IBM System/360 introduced byte-addressable memory with 8-bit bytes, as opposed to bit-addressable or decimal digit-addressable or word-addressable memory, although its general purpose registers were 32 bits wide, and addresses were contained in the lower 24 bits of those addresses. Different models of System/360 had different internal data path widths; the IBM System/360 Model 30 implemented the 32-bit System/360 architecture, but had an 8 bit native path width, and performed 32-bit arithmetic 8 bits at a time.
The first widely adopted 8-bit microprocessor was the Intel 8080, being used in many hobbyist computers of the late 1970s and early 1980s, often running the CP/M operating system; it had 8-bit data words and 16-bit addresses. The Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 6800 were also used in similar computers. The Z80 and the MOS Technology 6502 8-bit CPUs were widely used in home computers and second- and third-generation game consoles of the 1970s and 1980s. Many 8-bit CPUs or microcontrollers are the basis of today's ubiquitous embedded systems.


There are 28 different possible values for 8 bits. When unsigned, it has possible values ranging from 0 to 255; when signed, it has -128 to 127.
Eight-bit CPUs use an 8-bit data bus and can therefore access 8 bits of data in a single machine instruction. The address bus is typically a double octet wide, due to practical and economical considerations. This implies a direct address space of only 64 kB on most 8-bit processors.

Notable 8-bit CPUs

The first commercial 8-bit processor was the Intel 8008 which was originally intended for the Datapoint 2200 intelligent terminal. Most competitors to Intel started off with such character oriented 8-bit microprocessors. Modernized variants of these 8-bit machines are still one of the most common types of processor in embedded systems.
Another notable 8-bit CPU is the MOS Technology 6502; it, and variants of it, were used in a number of personal computers such as the Apple I and Apple II, the Atari 8-bit family, the BBC Micro, and the Commodore PET and Commodore VIC-20, and in a number of video game consoles such as the Atari 2600 and the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Intel80081972Datapoint 2200 compatible
Intel808019748008 source compatible
MOS65021975Similar to 6800, but incompatible
MicrochipPIC1975Harvard architecture microcontroller
Electronic ArraysEA900219768-bit data, 12-bit addressing
ZilogZ8019768080 binary compatible
Intel808519778080 binary compatible
Motorola680919786800 source compatible
ZilogZ81978Harvard architecture microcontroller
Intel80511980Harvard architecture microcontroller
MOS65101982Enhanced 6502 custom-made for use in the Commodore 64
Ricoh2A0319826502 clone minus BCD instructions for the Nintendo Entertainment System
ZilogZ1801985Z80 binary compatible
ZilogEZ801999Z80 binary compatible
HudsonHuC628065C02 binary compatible