670 AM

The following radio stations broadcast on AM frequency 670 kHz: 670 AM is a United States clear-channel frequency. KDLG and WSCR share Class A status of 670 kHz.

In Argentina

Stations in bold are clear-channel stations.
Call signCity of licenseDay kWNight kWTransmitter coordinates
KBOIBoise, Idaho5050
KDLGDillingham, Alaska1010
KHGZGlenwood, Arkansas50
KIRNSimi Valley, California53
KLTTCommerce City, Colorado501.4
KMZQLas Vegas, Nevada250.6
KPUAHilo, Hawaii55
WLUILewistown, Pennsylvania5.40
WRJRClaremont, Virginia200.003
WSCRChicago, Illinois5050
WWFEMiami, Florida501
WYLSYork, Alabama4.80