65803 Didymos

65803 Didymos, provisional designation, is a sub-kilometer asteroid and synchronous binary system, classified as potentially hazardous asteroid and near-Earth object of both the Apollo and Amor group. The asteroid was discovered in 1996, by the Spacewatch survey at Kitt Peak, and its small 160-metre minor-planet moon was discovered in 2003, named Dimorphos. Due to its binary nature, it was then named "Didymos", the Greek word for twin.
Didymos is the target of the proposed AIDA asteroid-mission to test the viability of asteroid impact avoidance by collision with a spacecraft.


Didymos was discovered on 11 April 1996, by the University of Arizona Steward Observatory's Spacewatch survey using its 0.9-metre telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, United States. The binary nature of the asteroid was discovered by others; suspicions of binarity first arose in Goldstone delay-Doppler echoes, and these were confirmed with an optical lightcurve analysis, along with Arecibo radar imaging on 23 November 2003.

Orbital characteristics

Didymos orbits the Sun at a distance of 1.0–2.3 AU once every 2 years and 1 month. Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.38 and an inclination of 3° with respect to the ecliptic. Its approach to Earth in November 2003 was especially close, with a distance of 7.18 million km; it will not come that near until November 2123, with a distance of 5.9 million km. Didymos also occasionally passes very close to Mars: 4.69 million km in 2144.

Physical characteristics

In the SMASS classification, Didymos was classified as an Xk-type asteroid, which transitions from the X-type to the rare K-type asteroids. Subsequent visible and near-infrared spectroscopy showed it to be silicate in nature. It rotates rapidly, with a period of 2.26 hours and a brightness variation of 0.08 magnitude, which indicates that the body has a nearly spheroidal shape.


Didymos is a binary asteroid with a satellite in its orbit. The minor-planet moon, named Dimorphos, moves in a mostly circular retrograde orbit with an orbital period of 11.9 hours. It measures approximately in diameter compared to for its primary. Prior to the official naming of Dimorphos, it was known by its provisional designation and has been informally known as "Didymoon" or "Didymos B".


This minor planet was named "Didymos", Greek for "twin", due to its binary nature. The name was suggested by the discoverer, University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Lab astronomer Joseph Montani, who made the naming proposal to the International Astronomical Union after the binary nature of the object was detected. The approved naming citation was published on 13 July 2004.
The asteroid moon's name comes from the word "Dimorphos", Greek for "having two forms". The meaning of the name represents how the form of Dimorphos's orbit will change after the DART spacecraft impacts the moon. Appropriately, Dimorphos serves dual roles as a both a test target and a part of a blueprint for future planetary protection. The name of the moon was suggested by planetary scientist Kleomenis Tsiganis at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Proposed exploration

Didymos is the target of the proposed robotic Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment mission, a collaboration between ESA and NASA. While the European spacecraft remains in proposal stage, NASA announced it would proceed with the impactor portion of the mission, called Double Asteroid Redirection Test or DART. The NASA mission is intended to test whether a spacecraft impact could successfully deflect an asteroid on a collision course with Earth. DART will be the first spacecraft to intentionally target an asteroid known to have a minor-planet moon. Didymos is the most easily reachable asteroid of its size from Earth, requiring a delta-v of only 5.1 km/s for a spacecraft to rendezvous, compared to 6.0 km/s to reach the Moon. DART will be launched in July 2021 for an impact in October 2022. ESA's Hera mission was approved in November 2019 for a launch in 2024, to arrive at Didymos in January 2027. It will survey the dynamical effects of the DART impact and measure the characteristics of the crater made by DART.