5 rin coin

The five rin coin was a Japanese coin worth one two-hundredth of a Japanese yen, as 5 rin equalled sen, and 100 sen equaled 1 yen. This series was short lived, and succeeded the half sen coins which stopped being produced in 1888. Five rin coins were made from a copper alloy, and at 18.78mm are smaller than their predecessor. These coins were eventually taken out of circulation at the end of 1953 when a new law that established one form of currency was enacted.

Circulation figures

The following are circulation figures for the five rin coin, all of which were minted between the 5th and 8th year of Taishō's reign. The dates all begin with the Japanese symbol 大正, followed by the year of his reign the coin was minted. Each coin is read clockwise from right to left, so in the example used below "五" would read as "year 5" or 1916. Five rin coins are considered common, and can easily be obtained in circulated grades.
Year of reignJapanese dateGregorian dateMintage