42nd Division (Imperial Japanese Army)

The 42nd Division was an infantry division of the Imperial Japanese Army. Its call sign was the Distinction Division
The Imperial Japanese Army 42nd Division was raised as a triangular division on 1 June 1943 in Sendai, simultaneously with 43rd, 46th and 47th divisions. It was assigned 16 March 1944 to 27th army. An Itarkioi and Ketoebone detachments from 42nd division have engaged in garrison duties at Simushir island. The 12th field artillery regiment was detached from the 42nd division in May 1944.
As the 27th army was abolished 1 February 1945, the 42nd division was transferred to Hokkaido and submitted directly to 5th area army.
In July 1945, several thousands of personnel were detached to form other military units. While digging in at Wakkanai, Hokkaido, the 42nd division has meet the surrender of Japan 15 August 1945 without engaging in any combat, and was disbanded in September 1945.