33rd Vanier Cup

The 33rd Vanier Cup was played on November 22, 1997, at the SkyDome in Toronto, Ontario, and decided the CIAU football champion for the 1997 season. The UBC Thunderbirds won their third championship by defeating the Ottawa Gee-Gees by a score of 39-23.

Game summary

UBC Thunderbirds - TDs, Shawn Olson, Frank Luisser, Mark Nohra ; FGs, Aaron Roed ; cons., Aaron Roed.
Ottawa Gee-Gees - TDs, Ousmane Tounkara, Haluke; FGs, McNeice ; 2-point cons., Ibrahim Tounkara ; singles, Watters.

Scoring summary

;First Quarter
;Second Quarter
;Third Quarter
;Fourth Quarter