2019 Indian Rajya Sabha elections

2019 Rajya Sabha elections were held on 7 June, 5 July and 18 July, to elect the retiring members of the Rajya Sabha, the Indian Parliament's upper chamber. The elections were held to elect 2 members from Assam on 7 June 2019, as well as 6 members from Tamil Nadu on 5 July 2019.
The elections resulted in the ruling BJP maintaining and increasing their majority with a net gain of 10 seats.


Assam">Rajya Sabha members from Assam">Assam

Tamil Nadu">List of Rajya Sabha members from Tamil Nadu">Tamil Nadu


Aside from automatic elections, unforeseen vacancies caused by members' resignation, death or disqualification, are unless a few months before the expected natural expiry of the term of tenure, filled via by-elections, which for the Rajya Sabha often take some months to organise.

Bihar">List of Rajya Sabha members from Bihar">Bihar