2017 California Democratic Party chairmanship election

An election for the chairmanship of the California Democratic Party was held on May 20, 2017 to succeed outgoing Art Torres. 2 candidates, Eric C. Bauman and Kimberly Ellis, contested for the position. Bauman was elected as Chair of the Party.


Bauman received the endorsements of Equality California.
Ellis was supported by progressive groups like California Nurses Association, which supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Presidential primary, and Our Revolution, which grew out of the Sanders campaign. She was narrowly defeated by Eric Bauman, who has been described as a "consummate party insider." News reports have described the contest as being between "old school" Democrats vs "new school" Democrats in the progressive spirit of Bernie Sanders. Although Ellis supported Clinton in the Democratic primaries and in the 2016 general election, she has been embraced by Bernie supporters as "leading an insurgency against the party establishment." The most contentious issue, according to the Associated Press, was single-payer health care, which Ellis supported and which she claims that the California Democratic Party leadership opposed, despite the fact that the party has actually endorsed Senate Bill 562 and each of the Party's officers have publicly announced their support for SB562 and for single-payer healthcare. She was endorsed by seven members of US Congress, several unions and organizations including the National Nurses United union, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, dozens of local elected and emeritus officials, and dozens of California Democratic Party leaders. Most of the graduates of Emerge California did not endorse Ellis, and actually endorsed Ellis' opponent. Ellis lost the election by 2.12%.


On May 20, 2017, Bauman was elected Chair of the California Democratic Party at the annual state convention. He was the first openly gay and Jewish person to serve as Chair of the Party.