2013–14 USM Alger season

In the 2013–14 season, USM Alger competed in the Ligue 1 for the 36th time, as well as the Algerian Cup. It was their 19th consecutive season in the top flight of Algerian football.

Squad list

Players and squad numbers last updated on 18 November 2016.
Note: Flags indicate national team as has been defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.



Ligue 1

League table

Results by round


Algerian Cup

Algerian Super Cup

Squad information

Playing statistics

Appearances numbers are for appearances in competitive games only including sub appearances

Red card numbers denote: Numbers in parentheses represent red cards overturned for wrongful dismissal.


Includes all competitive matches. The list is sorted alphabetically by surname when total goals are equal.

Clean sheets

Includes all competitive matches.


