1st Nebraska Militia

The 1st Nebraska Militia was a temporary military force mobilized by Territorial Governor Alvin Saunders in August, 1864 during the Indian uprising of 1864 which threatened travelers on the Overland Trail and settlers on the frontier. The 1st Nebraska Militia reinforced the 7th Iowa Cavalry Regiment, which had previously been deployed and had constructed Fort McPherson near present-day North Platte, Nebraska, and the 1st Nebraska Veteran Cavalry Regiment.
The Nebraska MILITIA were frontiersmen who furnished their own horses and arms. They were, as soldiers, first-class in every respect. The companies were small but efficient.


Companies "B" and "C," 1st Nebraska Militia were present at the January, 1865 attack on Camp Rankin and Julesburg and under the command of General Robert B. Mitchell were part of the force which engaged in a fruitless pursuit of the marauding Indian forces after the battle.