19521 Chaos

19521 Chaos is a cubewano, a Kuiper-belt object not in resonance with any planet. It is a likely dwarf planet. Chaos was discovered in 1998 by the Deep Ecliptic Survey with Kitt Peak's 4 m telescope. Its albedo is, making it, with its absolute magnitude of 4.8, in diameter. It is named after the primeval state of existence in Greek mythology, from which the first gods appeared.


19521 Chaos has an orbital period of approximately 309 years. Its orbit is longer, but less eccentric than the orbit of Pluto. 19521 Chaos's orbit is inclined approximately 12° to the ecliptic. Its orbit never crosses the orbit of Neptune. Currently, the closest approach possible to Neptune is.
Chaos is at perihelion around 2035, coming as close as 40 AUs from Earth. Its brightest magnitude will be 20.8.

Physical characteristics

Chaos is a dark object, with an albedo estimated at 5%, implying a diameter of 600 km. It rotates slowly in 3.985 days. According to Brown, it is a likely dwarf planet.