1943 in Canada

Events from the year 1943 in Canada.



Lieutenant governors



January to March

Slightly confused 1st Infantry Division invades Sicily against "bewildered" and "sorry looking" Italian defenders
Cartoon: Axis forces quickly retreating from "Sicilian landings"
Command crucial, but battles are won "by human beings displaying judgment, coolness and courage"
Seaforth Highlanders take Monte San Marco in Italy, despite steep, muddy terrain and intense German fire
Canadian infantry and tanks press "a literally yard-by-yard advance" through Ortona streets, houses, and even rooms
Germans leave Ortona and their dead - "Civilianstoo dazed to realize the enemy had gone; Canadianstoo tired to care"
Newspaper illustration of RCAF Spitfire planes strafing freight trains in Europe
Photo: Canadians in joint landing operation with U.S. forces against Japanese invaders on Kiska Island, Alaska
At end of fourth year of war, Prime Minister King calls for greater effort and sacrifice to defeat faltering Axis
National registration certificate of Mrs. Ethel Louise Buck, Spirit River, Alberta
"We are few, very few" - Quebecker laments that there are not enough pacifists in province to even produce their newsletter
U.S.-U.K. agreement creates executive committee with Canadian representation to guide nuclear development
Canada wants multilateral general agreement to reduce tariffs, and to encourage U.S.A. and Canada to "buy in order to sell"
Report with proposed economic reforms for benefit of Prairie provinces, adjacent U.S.A., and world at large
Canada threatens to step back if not given more say in new UN Relief and Rehabilitation Organization
Lester Pearson complains to External Affairs about U.S. censorship of official's call from legation in Washington to Ottawa
Government returns about 15% of seized Japanese-Canadian fishing fleet to owners
"So reactionary to Liberal principles" - PM King depressed by cabinet's close-minded attitude to steelworker strike
Cartoon: Hitler says of strikers, "They are really working for me!"
Communist Tim Buck's submission on labour relations to National War Labor Board emphasizes wage policy and collective bargaining
As they fund-raise for bombers, London's Women's Voluntary Services thanks Manitobans for gifts of clothes and mobile canteens
"Defend freedom and culture of humanity" - Shostakovich's thank-you for Toronto performance of his Seventh Symphony