1932 in Canada

Events from the year 1932 in Canada.



Lieutenant governors


New Books

January to March

Federal budget broadly raises tax rates and restricts exemptions
Liberals claim "blank cheque legislation" to aid unemployed allows government to bypass Parliament
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation founded "to regulate production, distribution and exchange for supplying human needs"
At average 35 cents per bushel, prices for wheat farmers about one-third what they were in 1929
United Farmers of Alberta convention's calls to nationalize credit and monetary system, and make wheat certificates legal tender
Mass meeting denounces maladministration by Newfoundland government of Richard Squires
German politics "a fight between philosophies of lifeas violent and as irreconcilable as you will never be able to believe"
Place held by Jews of western Canada in professions, business and agriculture
House of Commons debates deportation procedures and rights of residents
Edward Johnson on importance of music to mind and spirit
CBC interview with member of aircrew who joined "Mad Trapper" manhunt for Albert Johnson in Northwest Territories
Thunder Bay area farmers set local record for construction
Letter-to-editor profiles Watson Duchemin, inventor of brass roller bearing block