1925 Report for Reform in the East (Turkey)

The Report for Reform in the East is a report prepared by the Reform Council for the East in response to the Sheik Said rebellion. The Reform Council was created on 8 September 1925 by Mustafa Kemal and presided over by İsmet İnönü. Its members were selected from the highest political and military authorities, like Chief of Staff Marshal Mustafa Fevci Cakmak, Justice Minister Mahmut Esat Bozkurt, Interior Minister, Kazim Özalp Şükrü Kaya, Abdülhalik Renda and Celal Bayar.
On 25 September 1925 the Reform Council for the East presented its report in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey with the following recommendations for a reform plan.
The report encouraged several resettlement laws and the establishment of three Inspectorates Generals which included provinces with a Kurdish majority.