1923 in film

The following is an overview of 1923 in film, including significant events, a list of films released and notable births and deaths.


The top 10 films released in 1923 by U.S. gross are as follows:
RankTitleStudioU.S. gross
1The Covered WagonParamount Pictures$7,630,000
2The Ten CommandmentsParamount Pictures$4,168,790
3The Hunchback of Notre DameUniversal Pictures$3,500,000
4Safety Last!Pathé Exchange$1,500,000
5DaddyAssociated First National Pictures
6Homeward BoundParamount Pictures
7The Ne'er-Do-WellParamount Pictures
8The PilgrimAssociated First National Pictures
9ScaramoucheMetro Pictures$1,000,000
10The White SisterMetro Pictures

Notable films released in 1923

unless stated otherwise