181 (number)
181 is the natural number following 180 and preceding 182.In mathematics
- 181 is an odd number
- 181 is a centered number
- * 181 is a centered pentagonal number
- * 181 is a centered 12-gonal number
- * 181 is a centered 18-gonal number
- * 181 is a centered 30-gonal number
- * 181 is a centered square number
- * 181 is a star number that represents a centered hexagram
- 181 is a deficient number, as 1 is less than 181
- 181 is an odious number
- 181 is a prime number
- * 181 is a Chen prime
- * 181 is a dihedral prime
- * 181 is a full reptend prime
- * 181 is a palindromic prime
- * 181 is a strobogrammatic prime, the same when viewed upside down
- * 181 is a twin prime with 179
- 181 is a square-free number
- 181 is an undulating number, if written in the ternary, the negaternary, or the nonary numeral systems
- 181 is the difference of 2 square numbers: 912 – 902
- 181 is the sum of 2 consecutive square numbers: 92 + 102
- 181 is the sum of 5 consecutive prime numbers: 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43
In geography
- Langenburg No. 181, Saskatchewan rural municipality in Saskatchewan, Canada
- 181 Fremont Street proposed skyscraper in San Francisco, California
- 181 West Madison Street, Chicago
In the military
- 181st Battalion, CEF was a unit in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during World War I
- 181st Airlift Squadron is a unit of the Texas Air National Guard
- 181st Infantry Brigade of the United States Army based at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
- 181st Intelligence Wing is a unit of the United States Air Force located at Hulman Field, Terre Haute, Indiana
- AN/APQ-181 an all-weather, low probability of intercept radar system for the U.S. Air Force B-2A Spirit bomber aircraft
- Bücker Bü 181 Bestmann single-engine trainer aircraft during World War II
- was a ship scheduled to be acquired by the United States Navy, however, the program was cancelled
- was a United States Navy troop transport during World War II
- was a United States Navy oiler following the Vietnam War
- was a United States Navy ATA-174-class auxiliary ocean tugboat during World War II
- was a United States Navy Alamosa-class cargo ship following World War II
- was a United States Navy following World War I
- was a United States Navy Porpoise-class submarine during World War II
- was a United States Navy during World War II
In movies
- “,” winner of the 2005 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival
- The war film “The Enemy Below” revolves around the fictitious, USS Hayes and a German U-boat
In transportation
- The Volkswagen 181
- Lufthansa Flight 181, which was hijacked on October 13, 1977
- London Buses route 181
- 181 Union City-New York, a New Jersey Transit bus route from New Jersey to New York
- The Córas Iompair Éireann CIE 181 Class diesel locomotives, and numbered B181 to B192, built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division in 1966
- East 181st Avenue, a light rail station on the MAX Blue Line in Gresham, Oregon
- New York City Subway stations in Manhattan:
- * 181st Street, at Fort Washington Avenue served by the
- * 181st Street, at St. Nicholas Avenue served by the
- 181st Street
- Oregon Route 229, also known as the Siletz Highway No. 181
In other fields
181 is also: