170 (number)

170 is the natural number following 169 and preceding 171.

In mathematics

170 is the smallest n for which φ and σ are both square. But 170 is never a solution for φ, making it a nontotient. Nor is it ever a solution to x - φ, making it a noncototient.
170 is a repdigit in base 4 and base 16, as well as in bases 33, 84, and 169. It is also a sphenic number.
170 is the largest integer for which its factorial can be stored in double-precision floating-point format. This is probably why it is also the largest factorial that Google's built-in calculator will calculate, returning the answer as 170! = 7.25741562 × 10306.
There are 170 different cyclic Gilbreath permutations on 12 elements, and therefore there are 170 different real periodic points of order 12 on the Mandelbrot set.