1632 series

The 1632 series, also known as the 1632-verse or Ring of Fire series, is an alternate history book series and sub-series created, primarily co-written, and coordinated by Eric Flint and published by Baen Books. The series is set in 17th-century Europe, in which the small fictional town of Grantville, West Virginia, in the year 2000 was sent to the past in central Germany in the year 1631, during the Thirty Years' War.
As of 2015, the series has five published novels propelling the main plot and over ten published novels moving several subplots and threads forward. The series also includes fan-written, but professionally edited, collaborative material which are published in bi-monthly magazine titled The Grantville Gazettes and some collaborative short fictions.
In terms of the history of Time Travel literature, the 1632 series can be considered an extension and modification of the basic idea dating back to Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", in which a 19th-century American engineer, finding himself in 5th-century England, is able—all by himself—to introduce into the past society the full range of his time's technologies. In Flint's version, a whole modern community is transplanted into the past, in possession of a considerable amount of the material and written resources of modern society—making their success in changing the past more plausible.

Series overview

The 1632 series began with Flint's stand alone novel 1632. It is, excepting the lead novel and the serialized e-novel The Anaconda Project, virtually all collaboratively written, including some "main works" with multiple co-authors. However, Flint has mentioned contracts with the publisher for at least two additional solo novels he has in planning on his website. Flint, whose bibliography is dominated by collaborative work, claims that this approach encourages the cross-fertilization of ideas and styles, stimulating the creative process and preventing stale, formulaic works.
As stated in the first Grantville Gazette and on his site, Flint's novel 1632 was an experiment wherein he explores the effect of transporting a mass of people through time.
1632 occurs in the midst of the Thirty Years' War. The plot situation allows pragmatic, American, union-oriented, political thought to grind against the authoritarian, religion-driven societies of an unconsolidated Holy Roman Empire barely out of the Middle Ages. Flint explores examples of suffering due to the petty politics of self-aggrandizement and self-interest on the one hand, and the irreconcilable differences of the schism in Christianity such as the Protestant Reformation and the Counter-Reformation on the other. Despite the fact that the shift puts Grantville in May 1631 initially, because of the ongoing war and the primitive transportation networks of the day Grantville's arrival has something of a delayed impact, so the bulk of the book's action takes place in 1632, hence the name.
The series was initially continued with two collaborative works that were more or less written concurrently: 1633 and an anthology called Ring of Fire.
Overall, the narratives are not oriented on one group of protagonists with a strong lead character, but instead are carried by an ensemble cast—though most books or short stories do have several strong characters who carry the action and plot forward. Flint had intended from the outset that the whole town would be the collective protagonist; a reflection of his philosophy that historic forces are not centered in the main on the actions of one or two key individuals, but on the many small independent actions of the many going about their daily lives and coping as best they can.
By late in 1632, the New United States-led coalition of the Confederated Principalities of Europe had become the arsenal and financier for Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus. This leads the scheming Cardinal Richelieu, who'd been previously financing him to spite and weaken the Habsburgs, to turn on the Swedes. Various books from up-time Grantville, especially history books, had found avid readers amongst Europe's ruling elites, changing the plans and strategies of major players of the time. The readers, not understanding the chaotic nature of events, often believe that these histories give them a strong idea of how they can guide events in a different direction. The "players" sent back through time have no intention of strongly guiding events, but understand how key forces affect things in the long run to the betterment of mankind, and intend to promote and spread those even if they themselves are not "in control" of what results.
Richelieu forms a four-way alliance, the League of Ostend, to oppose the New United States, Gustavus' expeditionary army, and allied princes of the German states. After the first book, the series begins multiple plot lines or story threads reflecting this independence of action by a multitude of characters. The sequel 1633 spreads the Americans out geographically over Central Europe. Next, the novel ', and the first of the anthologies called the Grantville Gazettes introduced new strong characters. The former begins what is called the South European thread, and some of the stories in the latter and Ring of Fire began the [|Eastern European thread].
Co-author of 1633, New York Times best-selling author David Weber was contracted for no less than five books in the series in what is called the Central European thread or Main thread of the series, but there was a delay before the two authors synchronized their schedules to write that next mainline sequel,
', released in May 2007.
Without waiting for Weber, other sequels such as ', ', and the Grantville Gazettes continue in one thread or another with in-depth looks at societal ramifications from technology, religion, and social unrest as Europe deals with the outlandish ideas of Grantville's influential presence, to machinations of Europe's elites trying to maintain their hold on power, or leverage off of Grantville-triggered events or knowledge for reasons of self-interest.


''1632'' plot threads

1632 plot threads refers to the overall story arcs or sequences within the 1632 series. Flint has pointed out that he thinks in terms of plot threads, not of major protagonists. But most web chatter revolves around geographical "spheres of influence", locations, or where protagonists have a general effect. As a series focused on displaying a believable neohistory given the series beginning—of being as realistic as possible given the initial series premises—the two approaches both fail equally in covering all the cases by any strict measure, because the character set who is starring in one thread will almost invariably appear in one or more other story lines as a personal departure point for that character's personal biographical history, or as a supporting role for events depicted in a book mainly covering events in another thread.
"Real history is messy," Flint has written in the foreword to Ring of Fire in explaining why he took the unusual step of opening a universe consisting of a single novel at the time into a shared universe. A former union organizer and a socialist, Flint disdains the Great Man theory of history, where big figures of heroic scope define events, but instead lays claim throughout the entirety of works in the series, that history is the small actions of common men acting in their own self-interest who in the aggregate determine historical forces and force events and responses from those in power, who might lay some claim to being a giant of history—the statesmen and power brokers who dot the Is and cross the Ts and add occasional curlicues to the historic march of events—riding the torrent far more often than leading it in Churchillian or Rooseveltian fashion. That some persons of that mold have existed is not disputed, but that the narrative report that makes up historical reporting tends to overstate their impact and role, is Flint's theme.
No matter what approach one takes to classifying a plot sequence in the series—be it geographical or character-based—the key element of the series to comprehend is that the events depicted in its now voluminous works are not taking place in a vacuum, but in most cases are concurrent with developments in other parts of the European center.

Main/North-Central and Western European thread

The Central European thread or more correctly, the Central and Southwest Central European thread, is the main plot thread of the series. It concerns events in the region from west to east of the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Scotland, Northern France, the Spanish Netherlands, French Netherlands, and the Dutch Republic, and the whole of western Germany eastwards to Brandenburg and the Electorate of Saxony, and southerly to the northern reaches of Bavaria. Bavaria proper, Switzerland, Austria, Bohemia, and points easterly and north are properly geographically part of the Eastern European thread.
The Southern European thread, or Western South Europe and South Central European thread, or perhaps more appropriately, the South-Central and Southwestern European thread, involves characters introduced in the short story "To Dye For" by Mercedes Lackey but the thread plot action proper continued in the second published novel sequel of the series, the best-selling ' and its direct sequel, ', both co-written by Flint and Andrew Dennis. The main characters are, in part, Lackey's The Stone Family, combined with Flint's Sharon Nichols and Larry Mazzare.
The Eastern European thread is taken to be east of the East Central European thread, the latter of which may be understood as the baseline through eastern parts of modern-day Germany, Austria, and western Hungary. The first fiction written within this thread was the novelette "The Wallenstein Gambit" and the prequel short stories leading up to it, all published in Ring of Fire, but subsequent long fiction planned in the setting had to await authors' scheduling issues.
David Weber and Eric Flint in 2002 originally contracted together and with Baen's Books to co-write five "main series" books—the first two and perhaps some as yet unrevealed others being known as the naval thread. When working on the long-delayed novel and with the prolonged and ongoing demand for the series sequels, and considering the already-experienced delays imposed by the difficulty of getting schedules between themselves synchronized well enough for the two to have the three to six months or so needed to collaborate successfully, the two decided to alter their original planning and spin off a new thread—one based on the United States of Europe as a naval power. The thread is continued in 1636: Commander Cantrell in the West Indies, which is the story of the United States of Europe's naval task force, operating in the Caribbean Sea and surrounding waters, and the various forces it comes into contact with.

The Americas and Asia thread

This agreement for Weber to leave aside European threads likely will follow up foreshadowings of overt dislike evinced by various Grantville natives for both the African slave trade and the Amerindian encounters with colonizing Europeans—and Flint has already written a very sympathetic, two-volume alternate history from the American Native's viewpoint in his Arkansas Wars series—and he'd written similar foreshadowings into the series' earlier works that were spun into pro-democracy and anti-anti-Semitic social themes now manifesting in the series in the Eastern Europe thread in particular, as well as an overall, muted sub-theme. This revised author's decision released a logjam of backup of other novels in the series, so that since rehashing their arrangement, 1632 series books have been released regularly every 4–6 months.
Stories in 1632 Slushpile regarding obtaining strategically important materials and some which have reached publication in regard to the Essen Steel Corporation and Essen Chemical are foreshadowing activities in North America, and others are pursuing latex rubber in South America. In addition, the three books contracted between Flint and David Weber will in part involve expeditions sent by Gustavus and Mike Stearns to American shores.
Two novels focused on the Americas were initially serialized in The Grantville Gazette magazine:
The first full novel in the Americas and Asia thread was published in 2013: by Iver Cooper.
Fans are encouraged to contribute to the series though an online message board known as Baen's Bar. The entire Grantville Gazette and large portions of the Ring of Fire anthology, both of which are considered canonical, are paid, fan-written works, and have directly contributed material to the main novels. The author also worked with other established authors to develop new stories and plot lines for further novels which are also published in the two Ring of Fire anthologies.
Ring of Fire has several levels of meaning: First it is the eponymous reference to what the townfolk themselves have come to call the observed phenomenon of their time-space juxtaposition. Secondly, it is a disparaging reference to the effects on the population of Germany at large, suffering under the war's environment outside American-controlled territory, used by Mike Stearns addressing a town meeting:
1632 is the first novel in the alternate history 1632 series. It is a science fiction novel originally released in November 2000, but atypically, continues to actually increase in quarterly sales, as do most of the sequels. Originally a single stand-alone story, the novel is now the first of an open-ended series with over twenty-six works of all kinds including e-published only works of which twelve are standard trade printed books. Three are the printed canonical Grantville Gazettes, published in print, and an additional, rapidly growing number of related Grantville Gazettes e-books or e-zines.
In writing 1632, Flint's web forum Mutter of Demons at Baen's Bar was soon taken over by exploratory posts as captivated readers commented on the E-ARC released book, creating a ground swell of interest in the months before its hardcover release. So strong was the response, especially after the release of the printed work, that a new 1632 Tech Manual sub-forum was created for discussions about it in early 2000, for the discussions had also spilled over into Weber's Bu-ships tech forum, and Weber joined the bandwagon by suggesting a sequel was in order. In the event, the two co-wrote 1633 and collaborated further on integrating the short fiction into the de facto Ring of Fire sequel. It was followed by two other related forums: 1632 Slush and 1632 Comments, within the next two years.
The Grantville Gazettes are a series of short stories in the collaborative fiction experiment, which started life as an online serialized magazine with an inconsistent and sporadic publication history. After the death of Jim Baen and with the publication of Grantville Gazette X by Baen Books, the last under contract with Baen, the Gazettes were again reconstituted as a subscription e-zine, now published regularly at six per year and paying above standard rates for submissions. They are a "boiler room" powering the collaborative synergy by the people involved with the 1632 Tech Manual and have developed into a repository for new ideas and themes in the series, although most explore the personal experiences of minor characters in the series or examine in depth some aspect. In general, the anthologies in the series depict deep background canonical to future tales, but which are not in the mainstream "action" of the novels focus. A group of stories have on several occasions produced a new plot thread. As of the end of 2012, there are now 42 volumes of the Grantville Gazettes, most of them available in Amazon Kindle editions as well as some other electronic formats.
The Gazettes began as an experimental, semi-professional, online magazine featuring fan fiction and nonfiction edited by Flint and a volunteer editorial board. At the time of Jim Baen's death in the summer of 2006 ten Grantville Gazettes were under contract and they had settled into a new version roughly and irregularly three times a year. Baen's production staff was somewhat overworked by the deadline and the serialized magazine gave way to an e-book release from the sixth volume onward—though this was explained by Flint as primarily being due to Flint's other commitments, such as editing the new science fiction magazine Jim Baen's Universe. Earlier on, he'd explained the production delays in terms of overworked proofreaders, executive editors, and so forth. Issues VI through X, after being released as e-books, seem unlikely to see print; whereas Jim Baen has been releasing issues some months later as hardcover books, the last he bought has yet to appear. Flint has explained that the market for anthologies is always very soft, no matter the genre, and it seems likely that any new print version from the Gazettes will be a Best of The Grantville Gazettes.
In the meanwhile, Grantville Gazette X was jointly published as an e-book by Baen, but also as the first foray of Eric Flint Enterprises at grantvillegazette.com, which looks to be a joint venture of Baen Books and Flint, where the new incarnation of the e-zine also pays SFWA rates and maintains a bi-monthly publishing schedule. It is modeled very much on the same lines as Jim Baen's Universe, which is edited by Flint.
Beginning in early 2007, the Gazette's publishers added an online, web-based edition published quarterly and moved the paper series to an annual "best of" volume. Additionally, the publishers moved to paying full professional rates instead of the semi-pro rates that had been paid. The Gazette is an SFWA-qualifying market.

Short fiction in the series

When the novel 1632 was written in 1999, it was conceived as an experiment in the literary genre alternate history by Flint, without intentions of writing any immediate sequel. He had, in fact, several other years of writing projects planned, which subsequent developments were to delay as late as publication in 2006–2007. Flint—as a relatively new writer at the time, following the popular demand for a sequel, elected to invite other established authors in the Baen's stable of writers to share the universe in order to rapidly develop its potential—in this he traded on his experience as an editor. This went on concurrently with a great deal of reader input in what became the 1632 Tech sub-forum on Baen's Bar. In this initiative, he became the editor and together with fan input on Baen's Bar, and collaboration with established best-selling author David Weber on the first long sequel, 1633, concurrently put together the Ring of Fire anthology to inaugurate the short fiction in the series.
The novel and anthology shaped one another, all filtered through and also shaped by the discussions on Baen's website. This process continues to this day, primarily in the form of The Grantville Gazettes. Initially an experimental e-magazine of fan fiction, the first volume was successful enough to be released as a paperback. Subsequent Gazettes have also been released in print form.
Flint, as editor of all the short fiction, also maintains the series canon and all copyrights to the alternate history universe per se, and with Flint as the controlling editor, the consequence is, semi-pro or professional payment rates aside, Baen doesn't publish anything in the series which is not canonical.
In point of fact, the short fiction in the series frequently provides a more in-depth background and foreshadows larger events that are the meat of the long fiction in the series. The longer works are replete with mentions to events covered in the shorter works, and with characters and the history and events unfolded in such materials. Flint always publishes one of his own stories within the short fiction collections, or in the case of , considerably more, as it introduces several important background factors that are central to further series developments as the altered history is to unfold to the reader.

The Ring of Fire Press

In June 2013, the Ring of Fire Press was created to reissue certain materials originally published online in the Grantville Gazette. First, it would publish certain stories that were serialized across several issues of the Gazette, so they can be read without hunting through the various Gazette issues. Second, it would publish several themed collections of fact articles. Initially, five Ring of Fire Press volumes was made available through Amazon as Kindle editions or print on demand paperback books. The press has since been renamed Eric Flint's Ring of Fire Press.
In January 2018, the Ring of Fire Press expanded their list of available publications by releasing their first original novel in the 1632 series, 1635: The Battle for Newfoundland, which only contained original material that was not previously published. In addition to Amazon, Baen began distributing selected titles for Ring of Fire Press through their web store and their other distribution channels.
In 2018, the RoF Press hired professional graphic artist Laura Givens to produce covers and managing editors Walt Boyes and Joy Ward to help with the publishing house's increased workload. At the same time the release schedule went from one book release per month to two book release per month. By mid-2020, RoF Press transitioned to releasing 3 books per month with many of the new titles were not 1632 related. Some of the newly released titles are actually reprints of long out-of-print books by award authors such as David R. Palmer and David Gerrold.
TitlePublication dateAuthorsISBNNotes
Essen SteelJune 2013Kim MackeyOriginally published as a serial in 3 parts in Gazette volumes 7–9 as The Essen Chronicles.
The Danish SchemeJune 2013Herbert Sakalaucks and Eric FlintOriginally published as a serial in 9 parts in Gazette volumes 22, 23, 28–31, and 33–35 as Northwest Passage. Heavily rewritten and includes new material by Herbert Sakalaucks plus a new short story by Eric Flint.
Joseph HanauerJune 2013Douglas W. JonesOriginally published as a serial in 3 parts in Gazette volumes 8, 13, and 14.
No Ship for TranquebarJune 2013Kevin H. Evans and Karen C. EvansOriginally published as a serial in 4 parts in Gazette volumes 27–30.
Turn Your Radio OnJune 2013Wood HughsOriginally published as a serial in 6 parts in Gazette volumes 19–24.
Second Chance BirdJune 2013Garret W. VanceOriginally published as a serial in 13 parts in Gazette volumes 32–41, and 43–45. Minor re-write from serial version.
Medicine and Disease after the Ring of FireJune 2013Vincent Coljee, Kim Mackey, Gus Kiritikos, Brad Banner, and Iver CooperA collection of 8 separate non-fiction articles originally published in Gazette volumes 10, 26, 29, 34, 35, and 38.
Bartley's ManAugust 2016Paula Goodlett and Gorg HuffOriginally published as a serial in 3 parts in Gazette volumes 46–48. Re-written with new material added.
The Muse of MusicJanuary 2017Enrico Toro and David CarricoOriginally published as 7 related stories in Gazette volumes 2, 3, 5, 13, 31, 44, 45, and 46 under various titles. Includes 2 non-fiction articles.
Love and ChemistryFebruary 2017Jack Carroll and Edith WildOriginally published as a serial in 6 parts in Gazette volumes 49–54 as The Undergraduate. Re-written with new material added.
1635: The Battle for NewfoundlandJanuary 2018Herbert SakalaucksSequel to The Danish Scheme. New material. First novel published by the press from unpublished material.
Essen DefiantMarch 2018Kim Mackey and David CarricoSequel to Mackey's Essen Steel. New material that has never been previously published. This book also help set up the events that led to the beginning to Pedersen's book 1635: The Wars for the Rhine that was first published in 2016.
The Monster SocietyApril 2018Eric S. Brown, Robert E. Waters and Anna G. CarpenterOriginally published as a serial in 8 parts in Gazette volumes 61–71 plus one original installment with a promise that the storyline introduced in the new story would be continued in the Gazette.
Letters From GronowMay 2018David CarricoOriginally published as a serial in 6 parts in Gazette volumes 70–75. Includes new material that continues the story.
The Persistence of DreamsMay 2018Meriah L. Crawford and Robert E. WatersOriginally published as a series of semi-related short stories about painter Daniel Block in Gazette volumes 46, 50, 60, 61, 62, and 67. The short story The Winter Canvas: A Daniel Block Story was awarded the Gazette's Best of 2016 Award. Includes minor changes.
The Hunt for The Red CardinalJune 2018Bradley H. Sinor and Susan P. SinorIncludes a new novel that is an expansion of their D'Artagnan short stories that were published in Gazette volumes 10 and 41, and Ring of Fire III, which are also included.
The Chrysanthemum, the Cross, and the DragonAugust 2018Iver P. CooperNew novel containing original unpublished material about the invasion of the Spanish Philippines by the Dutch and Japanese, an event that was briefly hinted at in Cooper's previous work 1636: Seas of Fortune, and also about the peaceful transfer of Spanish Formosa to Zheng Zhilong, a private merchant and an admiral in the Ming navy, approximately 30 years ahead of schedule.
The Legions of PestilenceApril 2019Virginia DeMarceIncludes material that was previously published in six parts in volumes 52–57 of the Gazette as An Uneasy Kind of Peace with brand new material about the development and growth of the buffer state between France and the USE called the County of Burgundy.
The Legend of Jimmy DickJune 2019Terry HowardIncludes material that was previously published as short stories in the Gazette from volumes 5 through 35.
Up-time Pride and Down-time PrejudiceAugust 2019Mark H HustonNew material that has a 1632 twist on the similarly named Jane Austin novel.
A Red Son Rises in the WestSeptember 2019John Deakins and Herb SakalaucksA new and not previously published novel about a young Native American's journey to Grantville and back to his homeland in what is now New England.
The Trouble with HuguenotsNovember 2019Virginia DeMarceAdventures of the Dr. Seuss loving Duke Henri de Rohan and his family that was previously published in several issues of the Grantville Gazette and Ring of Fire IV plus new material.
Magdeburg NoirJanuary 2020David CarricoAnother Carrico 1632 police drama; a follow up to 1635: Music and Murder and 1636: The Devil's Opera. Material that was previously published in the Grantville Gazette plus some new material.
A Holmes For the CzarFebruary 2020Paula Goodlett and Gorg HuffA detective story set in Goodlett and Huff's Russian sub-thread that started with 1636: The Kremlin Games and 1637: The Volga Rules. New material.
Fire on the Rio GrandeMarch 2020Kevin H. Evans and Karen C. EvansAn Encyclopedia Britannia article from Grantville introduces new ideas to remote the Spanish North American outpost of Santa Fe de Nuevo México. Would the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 occur ahead of schedule with the same deadly results? New material.
A Red Son: Not Without HonorJuly 2020John DeakinsSequel to A Red Son Rises in the West. Brand new material.

In October 2018, the Ring of Fire Press began releasing novels that are part of the Time Spike series that were previously published as serials in the Grantville Gazette.
TitlePublication dateAuthorsISBNNotes
Time Spike: The Mysterious MesaOctober 2018Garrett W. VanceOriginally published as a serial in 17 parts in Gazette volumes 39–79 that is set in the Cretaceous Period of Time Spike in which the protagonists include a citizen of the newly formed Republic of Texas serving as a soldier in the US Army Cavalry who was escorting the Cherokee during the Trail of Tears incident, a Spaniard serving in Hernando de Soto's 16th century expedition across the Southern United States, and several Pre-Columbian Native Americans from several different time periods ranging from the Neolithic to the Mississippian culture period.

In April 2017, the Ring of Fire Press began releasing novels that were not a part of either the 1632 or Assiti Shards book series.
TitlePublication dateAuthorsISBNNotes------
Incident in Alaska PrefectureApril 2017Stoney ComptonA novel set in Japanese-occupied Alaska 22 years after the Axis powers had won World War II.------
The Demons of ParisMarch 2018Eric Flint, Gorg Huff, and Paula GoodlettThe first book in the Demon Rift series involving 21st century high school students in a van, 14th century Paris, and demons taking control of mechanical and electronic devices.------
Pandora's CrewJune 2018Gorg Huff and Paula GoodlettSpace opera novel that include corporate intrigue, enhanced humans, artificial brains, and space pirates; first book of the StarWings series.------
EmergenceJune 2018David R. PalmerReprint of award winning novel that was first published in 1984.------
The Masks of MiradaJuly 2018Robert E. WatersSword and magic novel; first book of the Mask Cycle series.------
Demons of the Past: RevolutionOctober 2018Ryk E. SpoorSecond book in Spoor's Demons of the Past series.------
PerditionOctober 2018Marella SandsAn alternate history in which the United States had fragmented into several smaller independent countries after the Union allowed the secession by the Southern States after four bloody years of conflict to end the Civil War and how things had changed by the 21st century.------
ThresholdNovember 2018David R. PalmerReprint of a novel that was first published in 1985.------
Big StickNovember 2018Michael A. VentrellaA steampunk alternate history that involves Teddy Roosevelt and a number of other notables at the end of the nineteenth century.------
WarSpell: The MergeDecember 2018Gorg Huff and Paula GoodlettRGP players suddenly gained magical powers and received the "memories" of the characters that had played.------
Demons of the Past: RetributionMarch 2019Ryk E. SpoorThird and final book in his Demons of the Past series.------
LegendMarch 2019Ryk E. SpoorPsychotic Super heroes.------
Lost Signals of the Terran RepublicMarch 2019Charles E. Gannon An anthology containing short stories from different authors that are set in the universe of Gannon's Terran Republic series.------
Death Lives in the WaterApril 2019Shoshana EdwardsSupernatural rural police mystery.------
Ganny Knits a SpaceshipApril 2019David GerroldA space opera from an established SF author and screenwriter who has written episodes of the original Star Trek series. Based upon a 2009 short story of the same name that was first published in Jim Baen's Universe.------
The Vampiress of LondiniumMay 2019Gorg Huff and Paula GoodlettSecond book in the WarSpell series. A fictional vampire merges with a sixty-two-year-old grandmother.------
Twilight of EmpireJune 2019Stoney ComptonSequel to Incident in Alaska Prefecture; second book in series------
TrackingJune 2019David R. PalmerReprint as a single volume of a trilogy of short stories that were first published in Analog magazine in 2008; sequel to Emergence.------
Venus, Mars and HellJuly 2019John Lambshead and Eric FlintAnother space opera. Starships, spirit guides, black magic and the problem of the correct sequence of cutlery usage in the Officer’s Mess.------
City by the Bay: Stories of Novaya RossiyaJuly 2019Walter H. HuntAn anthology of novellas and short stories of an alternative history in which the Spanish abandon Northern California to the Russians during the early 19th century and the growth of Russian St. Helena,on the site our San Francisco, from 1816 to 1906.------
Special Education: To Halt ArmageddonAugust 2019David R. PalmerThe long waited sequel to Tracking; was completed 20 years ago, but remained unpublished until 2019.------
The Company ManSeptember 2019Edward M. LernerOriginal published in six parts as a continuing serial in the Universe Annex section of the Grantville Gazette from volume 71 to volume 83.------
PurgatoryOctober 2019Marella SandsSequel to Perdition, an alternative world in which the Confederacy had survived to modern times as one of many small successor states that resulted from the break-up of the United States after the Civil War in which the Confederates won their independence.------
Everything Works in TheoryOctober 2019K.B. BogenParanormal & Urban Fantasy------
London Days, Demon NightsNovember 2019John LambsheadVampires and demons in 21st century London.------
Arachne's WebsDecember 2019Gorg Huff and Paula GoodlettSecond book in the StarWings series; sequel to Pandora's Crew.------
Bloodsuckers: A Vampire Runs for PresidentDecember 2019Michael A. VentrellaAnother vampire book.------
The Thief of CragsportFebruary 2020Robert E WatersSecond book in The Mask Cycle series; sequel to The Masks of Mirada------
The Rat RebellionMarch 2020Paula Goodlett and Gorg HuffThird book in the StarWings series; not a real sequel, but a semi-independent story in the same universe about a woman stranded on a space station who eventually starts a revolution among the station's underprivileged known as "station rats".------
A Song of PassingMarch 2020David CarricoAnother sword and sorcery book.------
Diamonds Are ForeverMarch 2020Eric Flint and Ryk E. SpoorA reissue. Story originally published by Baen in the 2004 anthology Mountain Magic.------
Blood's CallApril 2020David CarricoA Scottish sword and sorcery novel.------
The Demons of ConstantinopleMay 2020Eric Flint, Gorg Huff, and Paula GoodlettSecond book in the Demon Rift series; sequel to The Demons of Paris------
Dark Day, Bright HourMay 2020Julie FrostA hitman and an innocent woman find themselves in Hell.------
The Mask of AresJune 2020Ryk E. SpoorFirst book in the Godswar series.------
Blood's CostJune 2020David CarricoSequel to Blood's Call------
After HastingsJune 2020Steven H SilverAn alternate history in which Harold Godwinson prevented the Norman conquest of Britain by defeating William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. This is Silver's first novel.------
PerfectionJuly 2020Marella SandsA sequel to both Purgatory and Perdition in which the United States had fragmented into a series of small nations after the Confederacy left the Union at the end of the Civil War.-The Newton CipherJuly 2020Steve RuskinA historian is involved in a mystery, with unexplained murders, involving a coded manuscript from Sir Isaac Newton.

Literary significance and reception

As of 2014, four books in the series had significantly large number of sales of hardcover editions to become eligible for The New York Times Best Seller list. 1634: The Galileo Affair was on the best seller list for hardcover fiction for two weeks during April 2004 while reaching number 27. 1634: The Baltic War was on the same list for two weeks during May 2007, peaking at number 19. 1634: The Bavarian Crisis was on this list for a week in October 2007 at number 29. The most recent book, was on the NY Times list for a week during June 2012 at number 30.
Almost all of the books in the series sold well enough to get listed on the various Locus Magazine Bestsellers Lists with some titles listed multiple times, and a few even reached the top spot for the month.
1635: The Papal Stakes is the first book in the series to get listed on the Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Books list.

1632-verse glossary of terminology

Fictional characters