15 equal temperament

In music, 15 equal temperament, called 15-TET, 15-EDO, or 15-ET, is a tempered scale derived by dividing the octave into 15 equal steps. Each step represents a frequency ratio of , or 80 cents. Because 15 factors into 3 times 5, it can be seen as being made up of three scales of 5 equal divisions of the octave, each of which resembles the Slendro scale in Indonesian gamelan. 15 equal temperament is not a meantone system.

History and use

Guitars have been constructed for 15-ET tuning. The American musician Wendy Carlos used 15-ET as one of two scales in the track Afterlife from the album Tales of Heaven and Hell. Easley Blackwood, Jr. has written and recorded a suite for 15-ET guitar. Blackwood believes that 15 equal temperament, "is likely to bring about a considerable enrichment of both classical and popular repertoire in a variety of styles".


's notation of 15-EDO creates this chromatic scale:
B/C, C/D, D, D, E, E, E/F, F/G, G, G, A, A, A, B, B, B/C
An alternate form of notation, which is sometimes called "Porcupine Notation," can be used. It yields the following chromatic scale:
C, C/D, D, D/E, E, E/F, F, F/G, G, G, A, A, A/B, B, B, C
A notation that uses the numerals is also possible, in which each chain of fifths is notated either by the odd numbers, the even numbers, or with accidentals.
1, 1/2, 2, 3, 3/4, 4, 5, 5/6, 6, 7, 7/8, 8, 9, 9/0, 0, 1
In this article, unless specified otherwise, Blackwood's notation will be used.

Interval size

Here are the sizes of some common intervals in 15-ET:
interval namesize size midijust ratiojust midierror
perfect fifth97203:2701.96+18.04
septimal tritone75607:5582.51−22.51
11:8 wide fourth756011:8551.32+8.68
15:11 wide fourth756015:11536.95+23.05
perfect fourth64804:3498.04−18.04
septimal major third54009:7435.08−35.08
undecimal major third540014:11417.51−17.51
major third54005:4386.31+13.69
minor third43206:5315.64+4.36
septimal minor third32407:6266.87−26.87
septimal whole tone32408:7231.17+8.83
major tone32409:8203.91+36.09
minor tone216010:9182.40−22.40
greater undecimal neutral second216011:10165.00−5.00
lesser undecimal neutral second216012:11150.63+9.36
just diatonic semitone18016:15111.73−31.73
septimal chromatic semitone18021:2084.46−4.47
just chromatic semitone18025:2470.67+9.33

15-ET matches the 7th and 11th harmonics well, but only matches the 3rd and 5th harmonics roughly. The perfect fifth is more out of tune than in 12-ET, 19-ET, or 22-ET, and the major third in 15-ET is the same as the major third in 12-ET, but the other intervals matched are more in tune. 15-ET is the smallest tuning that matches the 11th harmonic at all and still has a usable perfect fifth, but its match to intervals utilizing the 11th harmonic is poorer than 22-ET, which also has more in-tune fifths and major thirds.
Although it contains a perfect fifth as well as major and minor thirds, the remainder of the harmonic and melodic language of 15-ET is quite different from 12-ET, and thus 15-ET could be described as xenharmonic. Unlike 12-ET and 19-ET, 15-ET matches the 11:8 and 16:11 ratios. 15-ET also has a neutral second and septimal whole tone. To construct a major third in 15-ET, one must stack two intervals of different sizes, whereas one can divide both the minor third and perfect fourth into two equal intervals.