130 (number)

130 is the natural number following 129 and preceding 131.

In mathematics

130 is a sphenic number. It is a noncototient since there is no answer to the equation x - φ = 130.
130 is the only integer that is the sum of the squares of its first four divisors, including 1: 12 + 22 + 52 + 102 = 130.
130 is the largest number that cannot be written as the sum of four hexagonal numbers.
130 equals both 27 + 2 and 53 + 5 and is therefore a doubly strictly number.

In religion

The Book of Genesis states Adam had Seth at the age of 130.
The Second Book of Chronicles says that Jehoiada died at the age of 130.

In other fields

One hundred thirty is also: