10th arrondissement of Marseille

The 10th arrondissement of Marseille is a district in the city of Marseille. The district is located east of the City. It borders the 11th arrondissement in the east, the 4th and 5th arrondissement in the north and the 8th arrondissement in the southwest.


The 10th arrondissement of Marseille includes six neighbourhoods : la Capelette, Menpenti, Pont-de-Vivaux, Saint-Loup, Saint-Tronc, and La Timone and 25 IRIS including 24 IRIS housing and Prado Park.

Public transport

The Capelette neighbourhood is very poorly served by public transport. Only the number 18 line from Saint Loup to Castellane passes through Capelette.

Important monuments

The Capelette district, named after the disused Capeletto chapel on the Bonnefoy boulevard, has a railroad bridge that crosses the avenue, as well as the church of St Laurent on the St Jean boulevard. It also has a beautiful garden, called the garden of Guy Azaïs.


Population of the neighborhoods

DistrictPopulation in 1990Population in 1999Population in 2006
La Capelette7 2928 3068 431
Menpenti2 7272 7122 914
Pont-de-Vivaux4 2803 9144 193
Saint-Loup15 98415 34115 120
Saint-Tronc14 86014 17713 959
la Timone4 9184 7135 524
Total50 06149 16350 140

Education and training by neighbourhood in 2006

Unemployment rates by neighborhoods in 2006

Beneficiaries of supplementary universal health coverage (CMU-C) by neighbourhood

Supplementary CMU is a free complementary health that covers what is not covered by compulsory health insurance schemes.
Beneficiaries of the CMU-C by IRIS in 2008
NeighbourhoodPopulation covered in 2008Beneficiaries CMU-C 2008% Beneficiaries 2008
La Capelette7 68796312,53%
Menpenti3 25347014,45%
Pont-de-Vivaux3 92564416,41%
Saint-Loup12 2871 0878,85%
Saint-Tronc10 6391 12710,59%
La Timone3 4973028,64%
Arrondissement42 5184 47211,15%
Total Marseille718 664132 15618,39%

Families by neighbourhood in 2006

Single parent families and families with four children at 1 January 2006

Dwellings by neighbourhood 8/3/1999

Population of the neighbourhoods by age at 8/3/1999