105 (telephone number)

105 is the single non-emergency number in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. In the United Kingdom, it connects to the caller's local distribution network operator, and is primarily marketed for reporting power cuts. In New Zealand, it is used for to contact the police in general non-emergency situations.

In the United Kingdom

Prior to the launch of the single number in 2016, people wishing to contact the relevant electric distribution company would have needed to know the 11-digit phone number of the electricity distribution company who served their area. Industry research following winter storms in 2013/2014 showed that most people in the event of a power cut would contact their electricity supplier rather than the network operator.

In New Zealand

Launched on 10 May 2019, 105 is used for non-emergency calls to Police where the event has already taken place and nobody is in any danger, such as a stolen car or property damage.