
.tr is the Internet country code top-level domain for Turkey. It is administered by NIC.TR and . .nc.tr and .ct.tr are used as second-level domains for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is a self declared state and not recognised by the United Nations, and as such has no country code assigned.


As of March 2017, around 15.53% of all the.tr domains were served via secured HTTPS protocol, with the Let's Encrypt Authority X3 being the most popular SSL certificate. Microsoft-IIS is the most popular web server, serving 35.31% of the.tr domains, followed by Apache serving 35.14% of the total.tr domains.

Second-level domains

, the official registry's domain, and , the official website of the Turkish Armed Forces, are the only second-level domains under this TLD, other second-level domains are prohibited.