
.mn is the Internet country code top-level domain for Mongolia. It is administered by.MN Registry, Datacom. The domain name is composed of the consonants in the first syllable of the country name. The.MN registry is operated under the thick registry model. Administrative, Billing, Technical and Registrant contacts are required. The Redemption Grace Period is available for.MN domains.
The.mn domain name has been used to represent the U.S. state of Minnesota; an example is the Minnesota Senate but such use is not official in the state. The.mn domain elsewhere outside Mongolia is used primarily as a domain hack, for example vita.mn. Another example is cart.mn. It is also used by various micronations.
The following second-level domains registration for free to qualifying entities:
.MN Registry signed its zone with DNSSEC, a security technology for the Domain Name System on 18 November 2010.

Domain registrars