
.md is the Internet country code top-level domain for Moldova introduced on March 24, 1994.
The price of domain registration is 450 lei or $39 USD per year.
The TLD is currently administered by STISC ; before being merged into STISC, the Moldovan state company MoldData had an exclusive agreement to administer and distribute domain names within the.MD domain.

Second-level domain names

The official regulations list a number of second-level domain names for official state and local government use, as well as a list of generic second-level domain names:
.com.md,.org.md,.info.md, and.pro.md third-level domain names can be registered via MoldData for $12 USD.


The establishment of the.md TLD was approved in March 1994 by the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute. The first Moldovan Internet server, mdearn.md, became operational on January 1, 1994. In May 1995,.md was fully delegated to RCI.
In 1998, RCI entered into a contractual agreement with Domain Name Trust, a US-based company, granting it the rights to operate and oversee the TLD. Domain Name Trust then proceeded to sell its rights to operate.md to DotMD, a US-based LLC, which went bankrupt in October 2002. During the resulting bankruptcy court proceedings, authority over.md was ordered to be returned back to the state of Moldova in February 2003.
RCI was renamed into MoldData on 12 July 2001, formalizing its transformation and succession on 19 September. On 30 August 2019, by order of the Moldovan government, MoldData was absorbed into STISC, which took over the responsibility of the national registrar for the.md TLD.
On November 2007, the number of domains registered under the.md TLD reached 12,000.