
Ḍíyáʼu'lláh was one of the sons of Baháʼu'lláh. He was the second son of his father's second wife Fatimih. He was born in Edirne.
Baháʼu'lláh gave the title Ghusn-i-Athar to his son Mírzá Mihdí. After Mírzá Mihdí's death in 1870, Baháʼu'lláh gave the same title to his other son Ḍíyáʼu'lláh, but this is not confirmed by Baháʼí sources.
He swayed between his two brothers, ʻAbdu'l-Bahá and Muhammad ʻAlí, in their argument. He married Thurayyá Samandarí, daughter of Shaykh Kázim-i-Samandar and sister of Tarázʼu'lláh Samandarí, a Hand of the Cause of God. The marriage was childless. Ḍíyáʼu'lláh died on 30 October 1898 in Haifa Palestine, and was posthumously labeled a Covenant-breaker.
After his death in 1898, Ḍíyáʼu'lláh was initially buried next to his father at the Shrine of Baháʼu'lláh at the Mansion of Bahjí. However, having been declared a Covenant-breaker, Ḍíyáʼu'lláh's remains were disinterred in 1965 in a process the Universal House of Justice described as a "purification... from past contamination."