
Sankara Narayana was an Indian astronomer-mathematician in the court of Ravi Kulasekhara of the Chera Perumal kingdom of Kerala. He is best known as the author of Laghu Bhaskariya Vivarana or Vyakha, a detailed commentary on treatise Laghu Bhaskariya by 7th century mathematician Bhaskara I. Sankara Narayana is known to have established an astronomical observatory at the port of Kodungallur in central Kerala.
Laghu Bhaskariya Vivarana, produced in the court of king Ravi Kulasekhara at Kodungallur, explicitly states that it was composed in Saka Year 791. It is also mentions that the year was the 25th regnal year of king Ravi Kulasekhara. In the second verse of the vivarana Narayana remembers five major precessors in the field of mathematics, including his possible master Govinda.
