Łyse, Masovian Voivodeship

Łyse is a village in Poland, situated in the Masovian Voivodeship, in Ostrołęka County, and in Gmina Łyse, by the road :pl:Droga wojewódzka nr 645|645 between Myszyniec and Nowogród. It lies approximately north of Ostrołęka and north of Warsaw.
In the years 1975–1998, Łyse belonged to the Ostrołęka Voivodeship.


The village is a center of Kurpiowski folk art with a 19th-century wooden church that has a polychrome interior. Mass is held in this church only on special occasions; regular mass has been held in the nearby modern church, Chrystusa Króla Wszechświata, since dedication in 2000.
The village has the lowest unemployment rate in Ostrołęka County, due in no small part to the local meat packing industry.

Easter in Łyse

Every year a Palm Sunday festival is celebrated here. The highlight of the festival is a contest for the most beautiful palm. Traditionally, the hand-made flowers of the palm are begun at the beginning of Lent. During the festival, one can experience Kurpiowski traditions by, among others: Kurpiowski wycinanki, folk music and dance, and tasting bread slices with lard and pickles.
in Łyse