Österreichischer Schriftstellerverband
The Austrian Writers' Association has been founded in 1945 and was thus one of the first Austrian professional associations after World War II. The association fosters the communication between writers and the contact between authors and readers and is located in Vienna, Austria. Sidonia Gall is chairman of the OESV.
On a regular basis, the OESV runs author's readings in the Viennese Literaturhaus. Twice per year, the magazine Literarisches Österreich publishes essays and book reviews. The association published the following anthologies with texts of the ÖSV members:Anthologies
- Vom Wort zum Buch, Poetry. Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 1998,
- Gedanken-Brücken, Prose. Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 2000,
- Kaleidoskop, Prose. Edition Atelier, Vienna 2005,
In three years, the OESV hosted literature prizes for poetry:
- 2001 Wilhelm-Szabo-Lyrikwettbewerb
- 2006 Christine-Busta-Lyrikpreis
- 2010 Short prose contest on the theme "Sprachräume - Schreibwelten"