Österreichische Universitätenkonferenz

Universities Austria is an advocacy organisation that supports research universities in Austria and promotes science, art, and research. It was founded in 1911. In 2008, it changed its name from Österreichische Rektorenkonferenz to Österreichische Universitätenkonferenz.
Members are all federal universities in accordance with the Austrian Universities Act 2002, which are represented in the plenary assembly by their rectors. The President since January 2020 is Sabine Seidler, Rector of TU Wien. The Secretary General is Elisabeth Fiorioli.


The first meeting took place in Vienna in 1911. From the start of the University Organization Act 1975 until the end of December 2003, when the was superseded by the , the Rectors' Conference was a federal institution with partial legal capacity.
In addition to the internal coordination of Austria's federal universities, uniko represents the concerns of universities in national and international affairs and in the public, and is a member of the European University Association. The association signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities in November 2004.


The following rectors have served as chairmen and presidents of the association: